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Luisteren naar monologen of naar dialogen?
Editie01 2014
Th. J. ten Cate,
Hoe academische vaardigheden in te bouwen en te toetsen?
Editie01 2014
Melanie C. M. Ehren,
Stress bij medisch studenten
Editie01 2014
A. J. J. A. Scherpbier,
Toenemende druk op het niveau van de medische opleiding
Editie01 2014
Th. J. ten Cate,
Science classes: een brug tussen onderwijs en wetenschappelijk onderzoek
Editie01 2014
A. G. H. van Ruijven,
Communicatietraining in het nieuwe curriculum te Nijmegen: van vraagverheldering naar verkenning van het referentiekader
Editie01 2014
E. M. van Weel-Baumgarten,K. P. M. van Spaendonck,
Vaardigheidsonderwijs nu en in de toekomst
Editie01 2014
A. J. J. A. Scherpbier,G. M. Verwijnen,
N. Schaper,G. A. J. Dunselman & C. P. M. van der Vleuten,
Van het bestuur
Editie01 2014
Herman van Rossum,
A standardized online clinical education and assessment tool for neurology clerkship students assigned to multiple sites
Editie12 2013
Neil R. Holland,Ilya Grinberg,
David Tabby,
Endoscopist-related factors contributing to high-quality colonoscopy: results of a Delphi survey
Editie12 2013
Vivian E. Vivian E. Ekkelenkamp,Arjun D. Koch,
Jelle Haringsma,Ernst J. Kuipers,Robert A. De Man,
Interactive E-learning module in pharmacology: a pilot project at a rural medical college in India
Editie12 2013
Nitin Gaikwad,Suresh Tankhiwale,
The effect of a daily quiz (TOPday) on self-confidence, enthusiasm, and test results for biomechanics
Editie12 2013
Esther Tanck,Martijn F. H. Maessen,
Gerjon Hannink,Sascha M. H. F. van Kuppeveld,Sanneke Bolhuis,Jan G. M. Kooloos,
Research skills: the neglected competency in tomorrow’s 21st-century doctors
Editie12 2013
Ahmed Abu-Zaid,
Students as teachers: the value of peer-led teaching
Editie12 2013
Rele Ologunde,Rasheed Rabiu,
Female second-year undergraduate medical students’ attitudes towards research at the College of Medicine, Alfaisal University: a Saudi Arabian perspective
Editie12 2013
Ahmed Abu-Zaid,Asma Alnajjar,
Through the eyes of a medical student
Editie12 2013
Dustin Jacobson,
Problem-based learning sessions and undergraduate research: a medical student’s perspective and experience
Editie12 2013
Abdulhadi A. AlAmodi,
Perspectives: a journal on the cutting edge of educational research and development. Introduction from the new Editor in Chief
Editie12 2013
Erik Driessen,
Evaluating the impact of interactive and entertaining educational conferences
Editie10 2013
Karen Jerardi,Lauren Solan,
Dominick DeBlasio,Jennifer O’Toole,Christine White,Connie Yau,Heidi Sucharew,Melissa D. Klein,
Cognitive schemes and strategies in diagnostic and therapeutic decision making: a primer for trainees
Editie10 2013
Imad Salah Ahmed Hassan,
Essential facets of competence that enable trust in medical graduates: a ranking study among physician educators in two countries
Editie10 2013
Marjo Wijnen-Meijer,Kirstin Nillesen,
Olle ten Cate,Marieke van der Schaaf,S. Harendza,
Medical students’ and teachers’ perceptions of sexual misconduct in the student–teacher relationship
Editie10 2013
Hanke Dekker,Jos W. Snoek,
Johanna Scho¨nrock-Adema,J. Cohen-Schotanus,Thys van der Molen,
Key factors in work engagement and job motivation of teaching faculty at a university medical centre
Editie10 2013
B. A. M. van den Berg,Arnold B. Bakker,
Th. J. ten Cate,
Multiple choice questions are superior to extended matching questions to identify medicine and biomedical sciences students who perform poorly
Editie10 2013
Thijs M. H. Eijsvogels,Tessa L. van den Brand,
Maria T. E. Hopman,
Problem-based learning and undergraduate research: another student’s perspective
Editie10 2013
Joule J. Li,
Formative assessments in medical education: a medical graduate’s perspective
Editie10 2013
Ahmed Abu-Zaid,
Domains for global health education and practice
Editie10 2013
Daryl Ramai,
Ethics of cost analyses in medical education
Editie10 2013
Kieran Walsh,
Medical student interest in academic medical careers: a multi-institutional study
Editie10 2013
Ruth B. Greenberg,Craig H. Ziegler,
Nicole J. Borges,Carol L. Elam,Terry D. Stratton,Sheila Woods,
Humanities in medicine: preparing for practice
Editie10 2013
Daryl Ramai,Shoshanna Shoshanna Goldin,
The discourse of generational segmentation and the implications for postgraduate medical education
Editie10 2013
Jamiu O. Jamiu O. Busari,
Persistent reservations against the premedical and medical curriculum
Editie10 2013
Vinay Prasad,
Engaging, interacting and connecting with our learners and teachers
Editie10 2013
A. D. C. Jaarsma,
An integrated model for developing research skills in an undergraduate medical curriculum: appraisal of an approach using student selected components
Editie09 2013
Simon C. Riley,Jeremy Morton,
David C. Ray,David G. Swann,Donald J. Davidson,
Learning of veterinary professionals in communities: a thesis report
Editie09 2013
Esther de Groot,
Observations of evidence-based medicine in general practice
Editie09 2013
Sandra E. Zwolsman,Nynke van Dijk,
Margreet Wieringa-de Waard,
Tuning research competences for Bologna three cycles in medicine: report of a MEDINE2 European consensus survey
Editie09 2013
Richard Marz,Friedo W. Dekker,
Siun O’ Flynn,Michael T. Ross,
Evidence-based practice for individuals or groups: let’s make a difference
Editie09 2013
M. de Groot,J. M. van der Wouden,
E. A. van Hell,M. B. Nieweg,
Scientific education early in the curriculum using a constructivist approach on learning
Editie09 2013
M. W. C. Vereijken,M. Kruidering-Hall,
P. G. M. de Jong,A. J. de Beaufort,F. W. Dekker,
Academic and scientific education in medical curricula in the Netherlands: a programme director’s view
Editie09 2013
Arnout Jan de Beaufort,Anton F. P. M. de Goeij,
Achieving research competences through medical education
Editie09 2013
Friedo W. Dekker,
Communicating with graduate medical trainees: the Cleveland Clinic experience
Editie06 2013
Laura R. Greenwald,James K. Stoller,
An exploratory study into the impact and acceptability of formatively used progress testing in postgraduate obstetrics and gynaecology
Editie06 2013
Marja G. K. Dijksterhuis,Lambert W. T. Schuwirth,
Didi D. M. Braat,Fedde Scheele,
A curriculum focused on informed empathy improves attitudes toward persons with disabilities
Editie06 2013
Sonya R. Miller,
Research skills for undergraduates: a must!
Editie06 2013
Thomas I. Lemon,Rhianon Lampard,
Benjamin A. Stone,
Faculty and student perceptions of academic counselling services at an academic health science center
Editie06 2013
Natalie White Gaughf,Penni L. Smith,
Dara A. Williams,
The use of daily questions for educational purposes: a TOPday for students
Editie06 2013
Esther Tanck,Gerjon Gerjon Hannink,
Sascha M. H. F. van Kuppeveld,Sanneke Bolhuis,Jan G. M. Kooloos,
International women physicians’ perspectives on choosing an academic medicine career
Editie06 2013
Nicole J. Borges,Amelia C. Grover,
Anita M. Navarro,Trisha L. Raque-Bogdan,Caroline Elton,