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Guidelines: The dos, don’ts and don’t knows of remediation in medical education
Editie11 2019
Calvin L. Chou,Adina Kalet,
Manuel Joao Costa,Jennifer Cleland,Kalman Winston,
The utility of failure: a taxonomy for research and scholarship
Editie11 2019
Meredith Young,
What’s in a Name?
Editie11 2019
Gisèle Bourgeois-Law,
Advancing from perception to reality: How to accelerate and achieve gender equity now
Editie11 2019
Tiffany I. Leung,Eileen Barrett,
Tammy L. Lin,Darilyn V. Moyer,
The mental workload of conducting research in assessor cognition
Editie11 2019
Andrea Gingerich,Peter Yeates,
A multiple-trainee, multiple-level, multiple-competency (multi-TLC) simulation-based approach to training obstetrical emergencies
Editie10 2019
Valerie Mueller,Susan Ellis,
Beth Murray-Davis,Ranil Sonnadara,Lawrence E. M. Grierson,
The Implicit Association Test in health professions education: A meta-narrative review
Editie10 2019
Javeed Sukhera,Michael Wodzinski,
Maham Rehman,Cristina M. Gonzalez,
Early identification of struggling learners: using prematriculation and early academic performance data
Editie10 2019
Layne D. Bennion,Dario Torre,
Steven J. Durning,David Mears,Deanna Schreiber-Gregory,Jessica T Servey,David F. Cruess,Michelle Yoon,Ting Dong,
Clear skies ahead: optimizing the learning environment for critical thinking from a qualitative analysis of interviews with expert teachers
Editie10 2019
Lynn E. Jaffe,Deborah Lindell,
Amy M. Sullivan,Grace C. Huang,
Attrition among New Zealand medical students completing research degrees: A 20-year analysis
Editie10 2019
Yassar Alamri,Tim J. Wilkinson,
The learning environment on a student ward: an observational study
Editie10 2019
Anna Dyar,Hanna Lachmann,
Terese Stenfors,Anna Kiessling,
Spinning the lens on physician power: narratives of humanism and healing
Editie10 2019
Mercedes Chan,Laura Nimmon,
A call for action: integrating climate change into the medical school curriculum
Editie10 2019
Madelon L. Finkel,
Development of a scale to measure intrapersonal factors influencing speaking up in the operating room
Editie07 2019
Serkan Toy,Rodrigo J. Daly Guris,
Shirley S Duarte,Priyanka Dwivedi,
Every picture tells a story: Content analysis of medical school website and prospectus images in the United Kingdom
Editie07 2019
Jack Macarthur,Mike Eaton,
Karen Mattick,
Role modelling in the training of hospital-based medical specialists: a validation study of the Role Model Apperception Tool (RoMAT)
Editie07 2019
Miran Said,Ria H. G. A. Jochemsen-van der Leeuw,
Bea Spek,Paul L. P. Brand,Nynke van Dijk,
Effects of deliberate reflection on diagnostic accuracy, confidence and diagnostic calibration in dermatology
Editie07 2019
Galileu B. Costa Filho,Alexandre S. Moura,
Paulo R. Brandão,Henk G. Schmidt,Silvia Mamede,
Scientific activity by medical students: the relationship between academic publishing during medical school and publication careers after graduation
Editie07 2019
Cathelijn J. F. Waaijer,Belinda W. C. Ommering,
Lambertus J. van der Wurff,Thed N. van Leeuwen,Friedo W. Dekker,NVMO Special Interest Group on Scientific Education,
A qualitative study on harmonization of postgraduate medical education in Europe: negotiating flexibility is key
Editie07 2019
Jessica E. van der Aa,Fedde Scheele,
Angelique J. Goverde,Pim W. Teunissen,
Influence of negative emotions on residents’ learning of scientific information: an experimental study
Editie07 2019
Telma Kremer,Walter W. van den Broek,
Silvia Mamede,Henk G. Schmidt,Maria do P. T. Nunes,Milton A. Martins,
Limited by our limitations
Editie07 2019
Paula T. Ross,Nikki L. Bibler Zaidi,
Perils, pitfalls and potential for the use of reporting guidelines in experimental research in medical education
Editie07 2019
Alice Moult,Peter Yeates,
Using Google Scholar to track the scholarly output of research groups
Editie05 2019
Brent Thoma,Teresa M. Chan,
Use of an e‑portfolio mapping tool: connecting experiences, analysis and action by learners
Editie05 2019
Sylvia Heeneman,Erik Driessen,
Steven J. Durning,Dario Torre,
Visualizing faculty development impact: A social network analysis
Editie05 2019
Yang Yann Foo,James Moody,
Sandy Cook,
Is postgraduate leadership education a match for the wicked problems of health systems leadership? A critical systematic review
Editie05 2019
Betty Onyura,Sara Crann,
David Tannenbaum,Mary Kay Whittaker,Stuart Murdoch,Risa Freeman,
Actor-network theory and ethnography: Sociomaterial approaches to researching medical education
Editie05 2019
Anna MacLeod,Paula Cameron,
Rola Ajjawi,Olga Kits,Jonathan Tummons,
Development and psychometric evaluation of an instrument to measure knowledge, skills, and attitudes towards quality improvement in health professions education: The Beliefs, Attitudes, Skills, and Confidence in Quality Improvement (BASiC-QI) Scale
Editie05 2019
Allison Brown,Aditya Nidumolu,
Meghan McConnell,Kent Hecker,Lawrence Grierson,
Learning environment, stress and coping in psychiatry residents within a national training program: a longitudinal study
Editie05 2019
Qian Hui Chew,Eric Holmboe,
Kang Sim,
Seeking coherence between ‘mobile learning’ applications and the everyday lives of medical residents
Editie05 2019
Andre Espaillat,Danielle K. Panna,
Dianne L. Goede,Matthew J. Gurka,Maureen A. Novak,Zareen Zaidi,
An exploratory study on microaggressions in medical school: What are they and why should we care?
Editie05 2019
Andre Espaillat,Danielle K. Panna,
Dianne L. Goede,Matthew J. Gurka,Maureen A. Novak,Zareen Zaidi,
Training wheels needed: Lessons in professionalism from a liberal deferral policy