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Guidelines: The dos, don’ts and don’t knows of remediation in medical education
  • Editie11 2019
  • Auteurs Calvin L. Chou,Adina Kalet,
    Manuel Joao Costa, Jennifer Cleland, Kalman Winston,
The utility of failure: a taxonomy for research and scholarship
  • Editie11 2019
  • Auteurs Meredith Young,
What’s in a Name?
  • Editie11 2019
  • Auteurs Gisèle Bourgeois-Law,
Advancing from perception to reality: How to accelerate and achieve gender equity now
  • Editie11 2019
  • Auteurs Tiffany I. Leung,Eileen Barrett,
    Tammy L. Lin, Darilyn V. Moyer,
The mental workload of conducting research in assessor cognition
  • Editie11 2019
  • Auteurs Andrea Gingerich,Peter Yeates,
A multiple-trainee, multiple-level, multiple-competency (multi-TLC) simulation-based approach to training obstetrical emergencies
  • Editie10 2019
  • Auteurs Valerie Mueller,Susan Ellis,
    Beth Murray-Davis, Ranil Sonnadara, Lawrence E. M. Grierson,
The Implicit Association Test in health professions education: A meta-narrative review
  • Editie10 2019
  • Auteurs Javeed Sukhera,Michael Wodzinski,
    Maham Rehman, Cristina M. Gonzalez,
Early identification of struggling learners: using prematriculation and early academic performance data
  • Editie10 2019
  • Auteurs Layne D. Bennion,Dario Torre,
    Steven J. Durning, David Mears, Deanna Schreiber-Gregory, Jessica T Servey, David F. Cruess, Michelle Yoon, Ting Dong,
Clear skies ahead: optimizing the learning environment for critical thinking from a qualitative analysis of interviews with expert teachers
  • Editie10 2019
  • Auteurs Lynn E. Jaffe,Deborah Lindell,
    Amy M. Sullivan, Grace C. Huang,
Attrition among New Zealand medical students completing research degrees: A 20-year analysis
  • Editie10 2019
  • Auteurs Yassar Alamri,Tim J. Wilkinson,
The learning environment on a student ward: an observational study
  • Editie10 2019
  • Auteurs Anna Dyar,Hanna Lachmann,
    Terese Stenfors, Anna Kiessling,
Spinning the lens on physician power: narratives of humanism and healing
  • Editie10 2019
  • Auteurs Mercedes Chan,Laura Nimmon,
A call for action: integrating climate change into the medical school curriculum
  • Editie10 2019
  • Auteurs Madelon L. Finkel,
Development of a scale to measure intrapersonal factors influencing speaking up in the operating room
  • Editie07 2019
  • Auteurs Serkan Toy,Rodrigo J. Daly Guris,
    Shirley S Duarte, Priyanka Dwivedi,
Every picture tells a story: Content analysis of medical school website and prospectus images in the United Kingdom
  • Editie07 2019
  • Auteurs Jack Macarthur,Mike Eaton,
    Karen Mattick,
Role modelling in the training of hospital-based medical specialists: a validation study of the Role Model Apperception Tool (RoMAT)
  • Editie07 2019
  • Auteurs Miran Said,Ria H. G. A. Jochemsen-van der Leeuw,
    Bea Spek, Paul L. P. Brand, Nynke van Dijk,
Effects of deliberate reflection on diagnostic accuracy, confidence and diagnostic calibration in dermatology
  • Editie07 2019
  • Auteurs Galileu B. Costa Filho,Alexandre S. Moura,
    Paulo R. Brandão, Henk G. Schmidt, Silvia Mamede,
Scientific activity by medical students: the relationship between academic publishing during medical school and publication careers after graduation
  • Editie07 2019
  • Auteurs Cathelijn J. F. Waaijer,Belinda W. C. Ommering,
    Lambertus J. van der Wurff, Thed N. van Leeuwen, Friedo W. Dekker, NVMO Special Interest Group on Scientific Education,
A qualitative study on harmonization of postgraduate medical education in Europe: negotiating flexibility is key
  • Editie07 2019
  • Auteurs Jessica E. van der Aa,Fedde Scheele,
    Angelique J. Goverde, Pim W. Teunissen,
Influence of negative emotions on residents’ learning of scientific information: an experimental study
  • Editie07 2019
  • Auteurs Telma Kremer,Walter W. van den Broek,
    Silvia Mamede, Henk G. Schmidt, Maria do P. T. Nunes, Milton A. Martins,
Limited by our limitations
  • Editie07 2019
  • Auteurs Paula T. Ross,Nikki L. Bibler Zaidi,
Perils, pitfalls and potential for the use of reporting guidelines in experimental research in medical education
  • Editie07 2019
  • Auteurs Alice Moult,Peter Yeates,
Using Google Scholar to track the scholarly output of research groups
  • Editie05 2019
  • Auteurs Brent Thoma,Teresa M. Chan,
Use of an e‑portfolio mapping tool: connecting experiences, analysis and action by learners
  • Editie05 2019
  • Auteurs Sylvia Heeneman,Erik Driessen,
    Steven J. Durning, Dario Torre,
Visualizing faculty development impact: A social network analysis
  • Editie05 2019
  • Auteurs Yang Yann Foo,James Moody,
    Sandy Cook,
Is postgraduate leadership education a match for the wicked problems of health systems leadership? A critical systematic review
  • Editie05 2019
  • Auteurs Betty Onyura,Sara Crann,
    David Tannenbaum, Mary Kay Whittaker, Stuart Murdoch, Risa Freeman,
Actor-network theory and ethnography: Sociomaterial approaches to researching medical education
  • Editie05 2019
  • Auteurs Anna MacLeod,Paula Cameron,
    Rola Ajjawi, Olga Kits, Jonathan Tummons,
Development and psychometric evaluation of an instrument to measure knowledge, skills, and attitudes towards quality improvement in health professions education: The Beliefs, Attitudes, Skills, and Confidence in Quality Improvement (BASiC-QI) Scale
  • Editie05 2019
  • Auteurs Allison Brown,Aditya Nidumolu,
    Meghan McConnell, Kent Hecker, Lawrence Grierson,
Learning environment, stress and coping in psychiatry residents within a national training program: a longitudinal study
  • Editie05 2019
  • Auteurs Qian Hui Chew,Eric Holmboe,
    Kang Sim,
Seeking coherence between ‘mobile learning’ applications and the everyday lives of medical residents
  • Editie05 2019
  • Auteurs Andre Espaillat,Danielle K. Panna,
    Dianne L. Goede, Matthew J. Gurka, Maureen A. Novak, Zareen Zaidi,
An exploratory study on microaggressions in medical school: What are they and why should we care?
  • Editie05 2019
  • Auteurs Andre Espaillat,Danielle K. Panna,
    Dianne L. Goede, Matthew J. Gurka, Maureen A. Novak, Zareen Zaidi,
Training wheels needed: Lessons in professionalism from a liberal deferral policy
  • Editie05 2019
  • Auteurs Michelle Daniel,Tamara Gay,
    Rajesh Mangrulkar, Paula Ross, Sara Weir, Emily Hogikyan, Owen Thompson, Sally Santen,
Leadership education for physicians—how it fits in their culture
  • Editie05 2019
  • Auteurs Louis N. Pangaro,
Breaking microaggressions without breaking ourselves
  • Editie05 2019
  • Auteurs Javeed Sukhera,
From semi-conscious to strategic paragraphing
  • Editie04 2019
  • Auteurs Lorelei Lingard,
Using mobile virtual reality to enhance medical comprehension and satisfaction in patients and their families
  • Editie04 2019
  • Auteurs Adam Palanica,Michael J. Docktor,
    Andrew Lee, Yan Fossat,
Animated stories of medical error as a means of teaching undergraduates patient safety: an evaluation study
  • Editie04 2019
  • Auteurs Kerri Cooper,Emma Hatfield,
    James Yeomans,
Parent-provider paediatric literacy communication: A curriculum for future primary care providers
  • Editie04 2019
  • Auteurs Tiffany Kindratt,Brittany Bernard,
    Jade Webb, Patti Pagels,
How phenomenology can help us learn from the experiences of others
  • Editie04 2019
  • Auteurs Brian E. Neubauer,Catherine T. Witkop,
    Lara Varpio,
Identifying the narrative used by educators in articulating judgement of performance
  • Editie04 2019
  • Auteurs Nyoli Valentine,Lambert Schuwirth,
Factors associated with scientific misconduct and questionable research practices in health professions education
  • Editie04 2019
  • Auteurs Lauren Maggio,Ting Dong Dong,
    Erik Driessen, Anthony Artino Jr.,
Eye-tracking for assessing medical image interpretation: A pilot feasibility study comparing novice vs expert cardiologists
  • Editie04 2019
  • Auteurs Tad T. Brunyé,Brahmajee K. Nallamothu,
    Joann G. Elmore,
Emergency medicine residency fact board: Why our attempt to encourage on-shift learning failed
  • Editie04 2019
  • Auteurs Kimberly Sokol,Alisa Wray,
    Megan Boysen-Osborn, Warren Wiechmann, Kathryn Bennett, Shannon Toohey,
Every doctor needs a wife: An old adage worth reexamining
  • Editie04 2019
  • Auteurs Abigail Ford Winkel,
Eye tracking: the silver bullet of competency assessment in medical image interpretation?
  • Editie04 2019
  • Auteurs Ellen M Kok,
Giving feedback on others’ writing
  • Editie01 2019
  • Auteurs Chris Watling,Lorelei Lingard,
Implementing an interprofessional narrative medicine program in academic clinics: Feasibility and program evaluation
  • Editie01 2019
  • Auteurs Deepthiman Gowda,Tayla Curran,
    Apurva Khedagi, Michael Mangold, Faiz Jiwani, Urmi Desai, Rita Charon, Dorene Balmer,
The Clinical Reasoning Mapping Exercise (CResME): a new tool for exploring clinical reasoning
  • Editie01 2019
  • Auteurs Dario M. Torre,Caridad A. Hernandez,
    Analia Castiglioni, Steven J. Durning, Barbara J. Daley, Paul A. Hemmer, Jeffrey LaRochelle,
Development and validation of a health profession education-focused scholarly mentorship assessment tool
  • Editie01 2019
  • Auteurs Christina St-Onge,Meredith Young,
    Lara Varpio,
Why institutional ethnography? Why now? Institutional ethnography in health professions education
  • Editie01 2019
  • Auteurs Grainne P. Kearney,Michael K. Corman,
    Nigel D. Hart, Jennifer L Johnston, Gerard J. Gormley,

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