Advancing the science of health professions education through a shared understanding of terminology: a content analysis of terms for “faculty”
Editie12 2021
Pim W. Teunissen,Anique Atherley,
Jennifer J. Cleland,Wendy C. Y. Hu,Hiroshi Nishigori,Dujeepa D. Samarasekera,Susan van Schalkwyk,Lauren A. Maggio,Eric Holmboe,Steven J. Durning,Lambert Schuwirth,
A professional knowledge base for collaborative reflection education: a qualitative description of teacher goals and strategies
Editie12 2021
Marije van Braak,Mario Veen,
Jean Muris,Pieter van den Berg,Esther Giroldi,
Does being a coach benefit clinician-educators? Amixed methods study of faculty self-efficacy, job satisfaction and burnout
Editie12 2021
Martha J. Elster,Virginie Muller-Juge,
Sunitha V. Kaiser,Karen E. Hauer,Leslie Sheu,Patricia S. O’Sullivan,
Relationships between medical students’ co-regulatory network characteristics and self-regulated learning: a social network study
Editie12 2021
Derk Bransen,Dominique M. A. Sluijsmans,
Jeroen Donkers,Piet G. C. Van den Bossche,Erik W. Driessen,Marjan J. B. Govaerts,
The do’s, don’ts and don’t knows of redressing differential attainment related to race/ethnicity in medical schools
Editie12 2021
Molly Fyfe,Jo Horsburgh,
Julia Blitz,Neville Chiavaroli,Sonia Kumar,Jennifer Cleland,
When English clashes with other languages: Insights and cautions from the Writer’s Craft series
Editie11 2021
Lorelei Lingard,Sayra Sayra Cristancho,
Eva Kathrin Hennel,Marije van Braak,Christina St-Onge,
Using mobile technology in assessment of entrustable professional activities in undergraduate medical education
Editie11 2021
Norah Duggan,Vernon R. Curran,
Nicholas A. Fairbridge,Diana Diana Deacon,Heidi Coombs,Katherine Stringer,Stephen Pennell,
Theory in quality improvement and patient safety education: A scoping review
Editie11 2021
Joanne Goldman,Andrea Smeraglio,
Lisha Lo,Brian M. Wong,Ayelet Kuper,
The contribution of simulated patients to meaningful student learning
Editie11 2021
Annelies Lovink,Marleen Groenier,
Anneke van der Niet,Heleen Miedema,Jan-Joost Rethans,
Warnings in early narrative assessment that might predict performance in residency: signal from an internal medicine residency program
Editie11 2021
Matthew Kelleher,Dana R. Sall,
Danielle E. Weber,Bailey DeCoursey,Jennifer Nelson,Melissa Klein,Eric J. Warm,Daniel J. Schumacher,
How supervisor trust affects early residents’ learning and patient care: A qualitative study
Editie11 2021
Brian C. Gin,Stephanie Tsoi,
Leslie Sheu,Karen E. Hauer,
Caring from behind the face mask in healthcare: Learning from the dramatic arts
Editie11 2021
Paul Murphy,Dearbhail Lewis,
Gerard J. Gormley,
Engagement and learning in an electronic spaced repetition curriculum companion for a paediatrics academic half-day curriculum
Editie11 2021
Jason R. McConnery,Ereny Bassilious,
Quang N. Ngo,
Rethinking implementation science for health professions education: A manifesto for change
Editie11 2021
Aliki Thomas,Rachel H. Ellaway,
Excellence in medical training: developing talent—not sorting it
Editie11 2021
Gurpreet Dhaliwal,Karen E. Hauer,
Supporting open, collaborative, evidence-based scholarship: considering the future of perspectives on medical education
Editie11 2021
Erik Driessen,Lauren A. Maggio,
Teresa Chan,Martin Tolsgaard,Kal Winston,
Don’t be reviewer 2! Reflections on writing effective peer review comments
Editie05 2021
Chris Watling,Shiphra Ginsburg,
Lorelei Lingard,
Diabetes SPECIAL (Students Providing Education on Chronic Illness and Lifestyle): a novel preclinical medical student elective
Editie05 2021
Sarah E. Myers,Nicholas R. Bender,
Marina A. Seidel,Ruth S. Weinstock,
Thoughts that breathe, and words that burn: poetic inquiry within health professions education
Editie05 2021
Megan E. L. Brown,Gabrielle M. Finn,
Martina Kelly,
The role of training in student examiner rating performance in a student-led mock OSCE
Editie05 2021
Jian Hui Koo,Kim Yao Ong,
Yun Ting Yap,Kum Ying Tham,
Intersections of power: videoconferenced debriefing of a rural interprofessional simulation team by an urban interprofessional debriefing team
Editie05 2021
Kathleen Dalinghaus,Laura Nimmon,
Glenn Regehr,
Factors associated with professional identity formation within psychiatry residency training: A longitudinal study
Editie05 2021
Qian Hui Chew,Yvonne Steinert,
Kang Sim,
“As an ethnic minority, you just have to work twice as hard.” Experiences and motivation of ethnic minority students in medical education
Editie05 2021
Ulviye Isik,Anouk Wouters,
Petra Verdonk,Gerda Croiset,Rashmi A. Kusurkar,
Shame in medical clerkship: “You just feel like dirt under someone’s shoe”
Editie05 2021
Beth Whelan,Stefan Hjörleifsson,
Edvin Schei,
Building a doctor, one skill at a time: Rethinking clinical training through a new skills-based feedback modality
Editie05 2021
Brandon Kappy,Lisa E. Herrmann,
Angela M. Statile,Daniel J. Schumacher,
A method for the madness: An international survey of health professions education authors’ journal choice
Editie04 2021
Eliot L. Rees,Oliver Burton,
Aqua Asif,Kevin W. Eva,
Quality of cost evaluations of physician continuous professional development: Systematic review of reporting and methods
Editie04 2021
David A. Cook,John M. Wilkinson,
Jonathan Foo,
Barriers to cross-disciplinary knowledge flow: The case of medical education research
Editie04 2021
Mathieu Albert,Paula Rowland,
Farah Friesen,Suzanne Laberge,
Joining the meta-research movement: A bibliometric case study of the journal Perspectives on Medical Education
Editie04 2021
Lauren A. Maggio,Stefanie Haustein,
Joseph A. Costello,Erik W. Driessen Driessen,Anthony R. Artino,
Need for universal acceptance of preprinting by editors of journals of health professional education
Editie04 2021
Nena Schvaneveldt,
Bibliometrics: Methods for studying academic publishing
Editie04 2021
Anton Ninkov,Jason R. Frank,
Lauren A. Maggio,
“Can you recommend a journal for my paper?”
Editie04 2021
Olle ten Cate,
Maintaining your voice as an underrepresented minority during the peer review process: A dialogue between author and mentor
Editie04 2021
Monnique Johnson,Abigail Konopasky,
The scope of health professions education requires complementary and diverse approaches to knowledge synthesis
Editie04 2021
Geoffrey Norman,Jonathan Sherbino,
Lara Varpio,
Educating educators on research on research
Editie04 2021
John P.A. Ioannidis,
Teaching next-generation sequencing to medical students with a portable sequencing device
Editie03 2021
Jorge Cervantes,Cynthia Perry,
Min Chih Wang,
The visual vernacular: embracing photographs in research
Editie03 2021
Jennifer Cleland,Anna MacLeod,
Structural distress: experiences of moral distress related to structural stigma during the COVID-19 pandemic
Editie03 2021
Javeed Sukhera,Chetana Kulkarni,
Taryn Taylor,
Perception of social media behaviour among medical students, residents and medical specialists
Editie03 2021
Sebastiaan A. Pronk,Simone L. Gorter,
Scheltus J. van Luijk,Pieter C. Barnhoorn,Beer Binkhorst,Walther N. K. A. van Mook van Mook,
The prism model: advancing a theory of practice for arts and humanities in medical education
Editie03 2021
Tracy Moniz,Maryam Golafshani,
Carolyn M. Gaspar,Nancy E. Adams,Paul Haidet,Rebecca L. Volpe,Claire de Boer,Lorelei Lingard,Javeed Sukhera,
Benefits of EPAs at risk? The influence of the workplace environment on the uptake of EPAs in EPA-based curricula
Editie03 2021
Karsten Arthur van Loon,Linda Helena Anna Bonnie,
Fedde Scheele,Nynke van Dijk,
When names are on the line: Negotiating authorship with your team
Editie03 2021
Glenn Regehr,
‘One size does not fit all’: The value of person-centred analysis in health professions education research
Editie03 2021
Rashmi A. Kusurkar,Marianne Mak-van der Vossen,
Joyce Kors,Jan-Willem Grijpma,Stéphanie M. E. van der Burgt,Anne de la Croix,Andries S. Koster,
Professionalism revisited during the pandemics of our time: COVID-19 and racism
Editie03 2021
Zareen Zaidi,Saleem Razack,
Arno K. Kumagai,
Collaborative writing: Strategies and activities for writing productively together
Editie03 2021
Lorelei Lingard,
Development of a 3D printed simulator for closed reduction of distal radius fractures
Editie03 2021
William Dixon,Nathaniel Miller,
Georgia G. Toal,Michael A. Gisondi,Stefanie S. Sebok-Syer,
Coping with COVID-19: medical students as strong and responsible stewards of their education
Editie03 2021
Jacquelyn B. Kercheval,Deena Khamees,
Charles A. Keilin,Netana H. Markovitz,Eve D. Losman,
A collective case study of supervision and competence judgments on the inpatient internal medicine ward