PME Volume 4, Issue 2

April 2015 - jaargang 14

Het tijdschrift publiceert sinds 2012 één doorlopend deel (volume) en nummer (issue) per jaar. Artikelen worden beschikbaar gesteld zodra ze klaar zijn om onnodige vertragingen bij het openbaar maken van de inhoud te voorkomen.

Artikelen in deze editie

Palliative medicine fellows attend to compassion fatigue using John Stone’s ‘Talking to the Family’
  • Auteurs Hunter Groninger
The issue of ‘informed consent’ in medical student introductions
  • Auteurs David George Lester, Khizr Ather Nawab, Rahul Prashanth Ravindran en Sayinthen Vivekanantham
Who can do without patients?
  • Auteurs Max Peters en Olle ten Cate
Use of extramural ambulatory care curricula in postgraduate medical training
  • Auteurs Ada M. Fenick, D’Juanna Satcher, Jaideep S. Talwalkar, Stephen D. Sisson en Teri L. Turner
‘From scared to prepared’: targeted structured induction training during the transition from medical school to foundation doctor
  • Auteurs Clare Van Hamel, Natalie S. Blencowe, Rebecca Aspinall en Rob Bethune
Competency-based veterinary education: an integrative approach to learning and assessment in the clinical workplace
  • Auteurs Harold G. J. Bok
Palliative medicine fellows attend to compassion fatigue using John Stone’s ‘Talking to the Family’
  • Auteurs Hunter Groninger
Saying no to drugs
  • Auteurs Arul Thangavel en Bradley Sharpe
The writer’s craft
  • Auteurs Lorelei Lingard
What is more effective: a daily or a weekly formative test?
  • Auteurs Esther Tanck, Jan G.M. Jan G.M. Kooloos, Leonieke N. Palmen en Marc A.T.M. Vorstenbosch
On causality and mechanisms in medical education research: an example of path analysis
  • Auteurs Jimmie Leppink
User reception of a simple online multisource feedback tool for residents
  • Auteurs Caroline Buis, Jorike Huiskes, Lars van der Plank, Lonneke Alofs, Maas Jan Heineman, Manon Horsman en Olle ten Cate
Reflecting upon multisource feedback as ‘assessment for learning’
  • Auteurs Joan Sargeant
Enlisting the power of the verb
  • Auteurs Lorelei Lingard

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