PME Volume 6, Issue 5

September 2017 - jaargang 11

Het tijdschrift publiceert sinds 2012 één doorlopend deel (volume) en nummer (issue) per jaar. Artikelen worden beschikbaar gesteld zodra ze klaar zijn om onnodige vertragingen bij het openbaar maken van de inhoud te voorkomen.

Artikelen in deze editie

Does your discussion realize its potential?
  • AuteursLorelei Lingard
If at first you don’t succeed … adoption of iPad marking for high-stakes assessments
  • AuteursAnna RyanEleanor FlynnGeoff McCollTerry Judd
Is feedback to medical learners associated with characteristics of improved patient care?
  • AuteursDina McKelvyHeather KempKalli VaraklisRobert Bing-YouRobert TrowbridgeVictoria Hayes
Social studying and learning among medical students: a scoping review
  • AuteursDaniela KerenJocelyn LockyerRachel H. Ellaway
Longitudinal qualitative research in medical education
  • AuteursBoyd F. RichardsDorene F. Balmer
Getting off the carousel: Exploring the wicked problem of curriculum reform
  • AuteursJennifer ClelandLorraine HawickSimon Kitto
Medical students’ perceptions of a novel institutional incident reporting system
  • AuteursDillan ParakhMorris Gordon
Peer-led small groups: Are we on the right track?
  • AuteursFraser Moore
Guidelines: The do’s, don’ts and don’t knows of direct observation of clinical skills in medical education
  • AuteursEric HolmboeJennifer R. KoganKaren E. HauerRose Hatala
Fairness: the hidden challenge for competency-based postgraduate medical education programs
  • AuteursColleen Y. ColbertElaine F. DanneferJudith C. FrenchMary Elizabeth Herring
Getting off the carousel: De-centring the curriculum in medical education
  • AuteursCynthia R. Whitehead

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