User reception of a simple online multisource feedback tool for residents

Caroline Buis
Jorike Huiskes
Lars van der Plank
Lonneke Alofs
Maas Jan Heineman
Manon Horsman
Olle ten Cate
Soort article
Original Research
Multi-source feedback,
Postgraduate medical education,
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Receiving feedback on daily clinical activities, in whatever form, is crucial for the development of clinical proficiency. Multisource or 360-degree feedback procedures have been recommended to include various co-workers as sources of feedback. In 2008, a web-based multisource feedback (MSF) tool for medical residents was developed at the University Medical Center Utrecht and launched nationally in the Netherlands and has been widely used since then. In 2012, an evaluation was carried out to collect opinions on its use, on the quality of the instrument and on its experienced effectiveness. We approached 408 residents and 59 residency programme directors with an anonymous online survey.

Completed surveys were received from 108 residents (26 %) and 22 programme directors (37 %). The tool was well received among the respondents and proved to be a simple, efficient and effective instrument to prepare for information-rich progress interviews of programme directors with their residents. Despite a relatively low response rate, indications were found for the effectiveness of MSF use at four levels of Kirkpatrick’s hierarchy based on user impressions: reaction, learning, behaviour change, and impact. This MSF tool, designed for effective formative feedback, was found to meet its purpose and was well received.


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