Using mobile virtual reality to enhance medical comprehension and satisfaction in patients and their families

Adam Palanica
Andrew Lee
Michael J. Docktor
Yan Fossat
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Digital medicine,
Medical education,
Patient engagement,
Precision medicine,
Virtual reality,
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Patients are typically debriefed by their healthcare provider after any medical procedure or surgery to discuss their findings and any next steps involving medication or treatment instructions. However, without any medical or scientific background knowledge, it can feel overwhelming and esoteric for a patient to listen to a physician describe a complex operation. Instead, providing patients with engaging visuals and a virtual reality (VR) simulation of their individual clinical findings could lead to more effective transfer of medical knowledge and comprehension of treatment information. A newly developed VR technology is described, called HealthVoyager, which is designed to help facilitate this knowledge transfer between physicians and patients. The platform represents a customizable, VR software system utilizing a smartphone or tablet computer to portray personalized surgical or procedural findings as well as representations of normal anatomy. The use of such technology for eliciting medical understanding and patient satisfaction can have many practical and clinical applications for a variety of disease states and patient populations.


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