PME Volume 4, Issue 1

February 2015 - jaargang 11

Het tijdschrift publiceert sinds 2012 één doorlopend deel (volume) en nummer (issue) per jaar. Artikelen worden beschikbaar gesteld zodra ze klaar zijn om onnodige vertragingen bij het openbaar maken van de inhoud te voorkomen.

Artikelen in deze editie

The binding study advice in medical education: a 2-year experience
  • AuteursMaria T. E. HopmanRonald GoordenThijs M. H. EijsvogelsWil van den Bosch
Who are we? A qualitative evaluation of trainees’ perspectives on professional identity in oral and maxillofacial surgery
  • AuteursArpan Tahim
Paediatric trainees and end-of-life care: a needs assessment for a formal educational intervention
  • AuteursBonnie H ArzuagaLeslie Caldarelli
Data analysis in medical education research: a multilevel perspective
  • AuteursJimmie Leppink
Supervised near-peer clinical teaching in the ambulatory clinic: an exploratory study of family medicine residents’ perspectives
  • AuteursDaniel Ince-CushmanEllen RosenbergTeresa Rudkin
On the value of the ‘subjective’ in studies of human behavior and cognition
  • AuteursChris WatlingLorelei LingardMark GoldszmidtSaad ChahineSayra Cristancho
What people say # what people do
  • AuteursJeroen J. G. van Merriënboer
Experiences with the implementation of a national teaching qualification in university medical centres and veterinary medicine in the Netherlands
  • AuteursAnneke ZantingWillemina M. (Ineke) Molenaar
Qualitative and quantitative: the yin and the yang or the light and the dark sides of medical education?
  • AuteursRobert K McKinley
Peer-teaching: an important skill for all medical students and doctors?
  • AuteursDavid S. Blanchard
Learning the difficult tasks of caring for dying children
  • AuteursJanet Lefroy

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