Harnessing a knowledge translation framework to implement an undergraduate medical education intervention: A longitudinal study

Aliki Thomas
Christina St-Onge
Jean Setrakian
Lara Varpio
Linda Bergeron
Martine Chamberland
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Original Research
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Introduction Implementation of evidence-informed educational interventions (EEI) involves applying and adapting theoretical and scientific knowledge to a specific context. Knowledge translation (KT) approaches can both facilitate and structure the process. The purpose of this paper is to describe lessons learned from applying a KT approach to help implement an EEI for clinical reasoning in medical students.

Methods Using the Knowledge to Action framework, we designed and implemented an EEI intended to support the development of students’ clinical reasoning skills in a renewed medical curriculum. Using mixed-methods design, we monitored students’ engagement with the EEI longitudinally through a platform log; we conducted focus groups with students and stakeholders, and observed the unfolding of the implementation and its continuation. Data are reported according to six implementation outcomes: Fidelity, Feasibility, Appropriateness, Acceptability, Adoption, and Penetration.

Results Students spent a mean of 24min on the activity (fidelity outcome) with a high completion rate (between 75% and 95%; feasibility outcome) of the entire activity each time it was done. Focus group data from students and stakeholders suggest that the activity was acceptable, appropriate, feasible, adopted and well-integrated into the curriculum.


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