This study explores medical students’ experiences with self-assessment tools in a PA context, identifying facilitators, barriers, and needs through mixed-methods research to improve tool effectiveness

R.L. Loza
Universiteit Maastricht
Zorgverleners voor de wereld van morgen - Congres 2025
Context / probleemstelling of aanleiding

Context/probleemstelling of aanleiding:

The English Bachelor of Medicine (BA-MED) track at Maastricht University (UM) applies programmatic assessment (PA) for determining student competencies. In PA, students use a variety of data points as evidence for their competency development. In order to facilitate their learning, UM offers a computer-generated SA tool for students to test their foundational knowledge. This study aims to explore the facilitators, barriers, behaviors, skills and perceived needs of students in regards to the use and usefulness of this SA tool.

Despite SA’s importance in the feedback culture of PA programs (1), there is limited knowledge about the specific challenges and needs students face when using SA tools within the context of a PA curriculum.

Beschrijving van de interventie/innovatie:

A mixed-methods approach will be utilized to gather comprehensive insights from students. The qualitative component will use a phenomenological approach with semi-structured interviews of 10-15 students who have utilized SA tools, focusing on their experiences, facilitators, barriers, and suggestions for improvement. The quantitative component involves a survey with 30 students, using validated scales to measure feedback-seeking behavior (FSB), feedback literacy (FL), motivation of use, and self-efficacy in relation to the SA tool.

Ervaringen/analyse van de implementatie:

Thematic analysis will be applied to interview data, identifying key themes related to students’ experiences with the SA tool. The survey results will be analyzed using descriptive statistics, summarizing facilitators, barriers and patterns in students’ behaviors. The combined qualitative and quantitative data will provide a triangulated understanding of the factors affecting students’ use of SA tools in this context.

Lessons learned (implicaties voor de praktijk):

We expect that while students value SA for promoting their learning processes, they face obstacles such as inadequate feedback and a lack of clarity in how to effectively use the SA tool. Addressing these issues may improve the tool’s effectiveness, foster better self-regulation, and enhance learning outcomes.

Referenties (max. 2):

Schuwirth L, Van der Vleuten C, Durning S. What programmatic assessment in medical education can learn from healthcare. Perspectives on Medical Education. 2017;6:211-5.


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