The Impact of Multivariate Innovation in Education on Sense of Belonging, and Study Success: A Comparative Analysis of Traditional and Multivariate Approach

D.Y.S. Vogel
Hogeschool van Amsterdam
Context / probleemstelling of aanleiding

Context/probleemstelling of aanleiding:

In the backdrop of widespread student disengagement, particularly in the post-Covid-19 era, this study explores the concerns surrounding student engagement within the Bachelor of Nursing program at a University of Applied Sciences in the Netherlands. The bachelor of nursing program has witnessed a significant increase in enrollment, which poses challenges in terms of accommodating students within constrained teaching spaces. Consequently, suboptimal scheduling has led to extended gaps between teaching sessions. This has resulted in student dissatisfaction, decreased attendance and a diminished sense of belonging. To tackle these issues we designed a multivariate educational innovation focusing on both social and educational aspects.

Beschrijving van de interventie/innovatie:

We included the introduction of on-campus activities, incentivizing attendance plus a reconsideration of both duration and didactic structure of on-campus teaching activities. To do this we redesigned on-campus teaching sessions, increasing lesson time from 50 to 150 minutes, and emphasizing didactic design to promote active learning and participation. Additionally, the introduction of ‘@campus,’ a collaborative space for students and teachers, aimed to offer space to engage in various activities, both educational and social. Our multivariate approach seeks to foster the development of learning communities, a pivotal step in enhancing students’ sense of belonging within the Bachelor program.

Ervaringen/analyse van de implementatie:

Preliminary findings reveal consistent schedule satisfaction before and after the intervention. However, the new schedule better accommodated students’ work and social commitments. While there was no significant increase in students’ sense of belonging post-multi-intervention, there was a notable improvement in study success, evidenced by increased earned ECTS credits.

Lessons learned (implicaties voor de praktijk):

. In conclusion, the multi-intervention approach may not significantly enhance schedule satisfaction and sense of belonging in the Bachelor of Nursing program, but it positively impacts educational success. Future research will explore whether interactive lessons and a more coherent schedule can effectively enhance students’ sense of belonging and their overall educational success.

Referenties (max. 2):

Beschrijving van de interventie/innovatie:
Ervaringen/analyse van de implementatie:
Lessons learned (implicaties voor de praktijk):

Overig, namelijk: Diversiteit Studievoortgang Studentenbetrokkenheid

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