‘In my head, this drawing was about me’: using rich pictures to understand interprofessional collaboration

St Antonius Ziekenhuis
Context / probleemstelling of aanleiding


Learning and working together


To explore together how rich pictures can be used as a research method, using the example of our study about interprofessional collaboration (IPC).


(PhD-)students, medical educators, faculty members, health care professionals.

Opzet: activiteiten en opbrengst:

First, we will show participants examples of rich pictures that depict interprofessional collaborations, and introduce the rich picture method in an interactive way.

We then ask participants to draw a rich picture of either a challenging or a rewarding IPC experience (this can be in any setting—we welcome all experiences, also outside of the hospital). Together with the whole group, we will analyze some of the drawn pictures, following up with a discussion about the advantages of rich pictures and common themes that emerge from the drawn pictures by the participants. Using the rich pictures from our study, we will explore two main themes: the emotionality of IPC and the concept of professional silos. Participants will become familiar with rich pictures as a qualitative research tool and learn about the findings of our study about junior doctors and interprofessional collaboration. In addition, they will reflect on challenges that arise in interprofessional teams, and how rich pictures can be used to show the complexity of teamwork in clinical practice.

Referenties (max 2.):

van Duin, TS, de Carvalho Filho, MA, Pype, PF, et al. Junior doctors’ experiences with interprofessional collaboration: Wandering the landscape. Med Educ. 2022; 56( 4): 418- 431

Cristancho SM, Helmich E. Rich pictures: a companion method for qualitative research in medical education. Med Educ. 2019; 53(9): 916- 924

Cristancho S. Eye opener: exploring complexity using rich pictures. Perspect Med Educ. 2015; 4(3): 138- 14

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