Fostering Responsible Integration of ChatGPT in Academic Writing Education

Maryam Asoodar
Universiteit Maastricht
Context / probleemstelling of aanleiding

Context/probleemstelling of aanleiding:

Context / Problem Statement / Reason

The research aims to address the challenge of effectively integrating ChatGPT into academic writing courses while ensuring responsible and constructive student usage. The primary reason for this research is the growing importance of new technologies like AI and the need to prepare students for responsible utilization of such tools in academic settings. Academic writing courses often lack guidance on integrating AI tools, raising concerns about ethical usage. Thus, the research seeks to bridge this gap by redefining learning outcomes, implementing effective teaching strategies, and aligning assessments with responsible AI usage.

Beschrijving van de interventie/innovatie:

Description of Intervention, Innovation / Method

The research proposes a multifaceted approach:

Rethinking Intended Learning Outcomes:Defining clear ILOs requiring domain-specific knowledge, critical thinking, problem-solving, and communication skills.Teaching and Learning Activities:Designing AI-integrated writing assignments.Assessment Methods:Aligning assessments with ILOs and AI usage.Feedback and Iteration:Establishing a continuous feedback loop.Faculty Training:Training faculty to integrate AI responsibly.Assessment Criteria:Developing clear assessment criteria.Ethical Considerations:Ensuring responsible AI use in assessments and activities.
Ervaringen/analyse van de implementatie:

Experiences/Analysis of the Implementation/Results

The research involves Year 1 health sciences students and explore how ChatGPT integration impacts their academic writing skills. Data will be collected on the effectiveness of new teaching strategies and assessments. The results will provide insights into improved critical thinking, domain knowledge application, and ethical writing practices. The analysis will highlight areas where AI integration enhances academic writing education and identify any challenges or unexpected outcomes.

Lessons learned (implicaties voor de praktijk):

Lessons Learned / Discussion

The research will conclude with lessons learned, including the adaptation of learning outcomes, faculty training, and ethical considerations. It will discuss the implications of these findings for FHML-related academic writing courses and offer practical insights for responsible AI integration in education. The discussion will emphasize the need for ongoing faculty development, ethical guidelines, and alignment with constructive alignment principles.

Referenties (max. 2):

Beschrijving van de interventie/innovatie:
Ervaringen/analyse van de implementatie:
Lessons learned (implicaties voor de praktijk):

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