Developing adaptive expertise in designing and delivering education: What, how and why?

S.H.M. Sayin
Universiteit Maastricht
Zorgverleners voor de wereld van morgen - Congres 2025
Context / probleemstelling of aanleiding


Being a teacher in the health professions involves delivering and designing education in a world that constantly presents educational, technological, and societal challenges. To effectively deal with these challenges, teachers must be prepared by means of faculty development initiatives. To educate adaptive teachers with great problem-solving potential, it has become clear that faculty development initiatives should focus on the development of adaptive expertise alongside routine expertise. The ingredients for developing adaptive expertise are conceptual knowledge, linking theory to practice, learning together with others, experimentation and reflection (Pelgrim, 2022). These principles could underpin learning activities in faculty development initiatives.


Learning about (the development of) adaptive expertise.
Reflecting critically on the principles underlying the development of adaptive expertise.
Gaining insight into how these principles can be put into practice within faculty development initiatives.


Everyone that is involved and interested in faculty development initiatives.

Opzet: activiteiten en opbrengst:

Introduction: The concept of adaptive expertise is explained in a playful way. The concepts involved in the development of adaptive expertise are discussed. Finally, the different forms of faculty development initiatives are discussed.

Outcome: Shared understanding about adaptive expertise and faculty development initiatives.

Individual assignment: Participants are encouraged to reflect on the development of their own adaptive expertise in designing and delivering education. What faculty development initiatives helped them? Why did these initiatives help?

Outcome: Participants develop an understanding of their own development of adaptive expertise.

Exchange in groups: Participants will exchange their answers to the previous questions in groups.

Outcome: Participants exchange perspectives.

Introduction to principles development adaptive expertise: The principles underlying the development of adaptive expertise are introduced to the participants.

Outcome: Shared understanding of key principles for developing adaptive expertise.

Conversation in new groups: Participants will discuss how adaptive expertise could be promoted within faculty development initiatives. Do these ideas align with the stated principles?

Outcome: Understanding practical applications of the principles in faculty development initiatives.

Plenary closing: The most salient insights are shared in the group.

Outcome: Inspiration and ideas for application in own context participants and moderators.

Referenties (max 2.):

Pelgrim, E., Hissink, E., Bus, L., van der Schaaf, M., Nieuwenhuis, L., van Tartwijk, J., & Kuijer-Siebelink, W. (2022). Professionals’ adaptive expertise and adaptive performance in educational and workplace settings: an overview of reviews. Advances in health sciences education : theory and practice, 27(5), 1245–1263.

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