PME Volume 6, Issue 3

May 2017 - jaargang 13

Het tijdschrift publiceert sinds 2012 één doorlopend deel (volume) en nummer (issue) per jaar. Artikelen worden beschikbaar gesteld zodra ze klaar zijn om onnodige vertragingen bij het openbaar maken van de inhoud te voorkomen.

Artikelen in deze editie

Tuning your writing
  • Auteurs Christopher Watling
Learning at large conferences: from the ‘sage on the stage’ to contemporary models of learning
  • Auteurs Annalisa Manca, Dario Torre, David Taylor, Janusz Janczukowicz, Jennifer Cleland en Steven Durning
The use of theatre in medical education in the emergency cases school: an appealing and widely accessible way of learning
  • Auteurs Alexandros Rampotas, Christina Pagonidou, Christodoulos Keskinis, Dimitrios Stakos, Georgios Tsoulfas, Michail Sideris, Panagiota Karailidou, Panteleimon Pantelidis en Vasileios Bafitis
We need more replication research – A case for test-retest reliability
  • Auteurs Jimmie Leppink en Patricia Pérez-Fuster
Enhancing the connection between the classroom and the clinical workplace: A systematic review
  • Auteurs Agnes Diemers, An Verburgh, Ann Roex, Bert Aertgeerts, Geraldine Clarebout, Nicolas Delvaux en Sanne Peters
Exploring patients’ reasons for participation in a medical education home visit program: a qualitative study in Malaysia
  • Auteurs Aida Jaffar, Chai-Eng Tan, Noorlaili Tohit, Syahnaz Mohd Hashim en Zuhra Hamzah
A qualitative study of undergraduate clerkships in the intensive care unit: It’s a brand new world
  • Auteurs Enda O’Connor, Michael Moore, Peter Cantillon en Walter Cullen
Labelling of mental illness in a paediatric emergency department and its implications for stigma reduction education
  • Auteurs Alexandra Milne, Alicia Cooper, Chris Watling, Christina Scerbo, Javeed Sukhera, Kristina Miller en Rodrick Lim
How do small groups make decisions?: A theoretical framework to inform the implementation and study of clinical competency committees
  • Auteurs Jessica Jessica Padgett, Lorelei Lingard, Saad Chahine en Sayra Cristancho
Perspectives on Medical Education Special Edition: Lessons learned from health professions education scholarship failures surprises
  • Auteurs Alisa Nagler en Lara Varpio
What we need is person-centred care
  • Auteurs Heather Heather Stuart
Kolb, integration and the messiness of workplace learning
  • Auteurs Tim J. Wilkinson
We need to talk: clinical competency committees in the key of c(onversation)
  • Auteurs Paul A. Hemmer en William F. Kelly

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