PME Volume 5, Issue 3

January 2016 - jaargang 11

Het tijdschrift publiceert sinds 2012 één doorlopend deel (volume) en nummer (issue) per jaar. Artikelen worden beschikbaar gesteld zodra ze klaar zijn om onnodige vertragingen bij het openbaar maken van de inhoud te voorkomen.

Artikelen in deze editie

Bonfire red titles
  • AuteursLorelei Lingard
Addressing the role of medical students using community mobilization and social media in the Ebola response
  • AuteursAdesoji E. TadeAsad NaveedHelena J. ChapmanVictor J. Animasahun
Raising awareness of cognitive biases during diagnostic reasoning
  • AuteursCarmen ErkelensDorien ZwartEsther de GrootKaylee van Geene
Reducing length of stay and satisfying learner needs
  • AuteursAllison MeiwaldElaine ZibrowskiLisa ShepherdLorelei LingardMichelle KlingelSaad Chahine
Medical students’ use of Facebook for educational purposes
  • AuteursAnam Ali
A collaborative clinical and population-based curriculum for medical students to address primary care needs of the homeless in New York City shelters: Teaching homeless healthcare to medical students
  • AuteursBlanca SckellMargaret GaughranRamesh NaderiRamin Asgary
Exploring cognitive integration of basic science and its effect on diagnostic reasoning in novices
  • AuteursAnne M. R. AgurKristina LiskNicole N. Woods
Learning to manage complexity through simulation: students’ challenges and possible strategies
  • AuteursGerard J. GormleyTara Fenwick
Establishing a scholarly culture requires a conceptual framework for leveraging change
  • AuteursJennifer Marie O’Brien
A hundred years of basic science in medical education
  • AuteursAlan NevilleMatt Sibbald
Lessons on resilience: Learning to manage complexity
  • AuteursSayra Cristancho

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