Implementing IPE in a Workplace Setting: Educational Design Research Promotes Transformative Participation

A. Tsiamparlis-Wildeboer
H. Helmholt
Lizzy-Sara Zöllner
M.A.C. Versluis
Marco Antônio Carvalho-Filho
Marie-Josée C. de Haan-Gremme
R. van der Stouwe
Sofia Papadopoulou
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Original Research
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Background: Educators struggle to implement Interprofessional Education (IPE) in workplace settings. We adopted an educational design research (EDR) approach to implement an IPE activity and establish design principles supporting IPE implementation in workplace settings.

Method: We adopted an iterative process of analysis/exploration, design/construction and evaluation/reflection. We performed a scoping review, visited examples of IPE initiatives and involved workplace professionals to define preliminary design principles for implementation. An IPE activity was implemented where students from nursing, midwifery and medicine care for patients together. Continuous reflection during the EDR process supported the refinement of design principles.

Results: We describe 14 design principles for implementation of IPE: (1) Set an objective; (2) Make the project evidence informed and theory driven; (3) Nurture a growth mindset; (4) Stimulate transformative participation; (5) Be aware of culture; (6) Support faculty members; (7) Align learning outcomes (8) Design formative and reflective assessment methods; (9) Position within an authentic context; (10) Facilitate informal interaction; (11) Balance patients’ safety with attributing responsibility; (12) Align with the workplace, seize opportunities to improve interprofessional collaboration; (13) Evaluate the implementation; AND (14) Trust the process. The design principles related to three overarching concerns describing IPE implementation as a change process: patient safety, workflow and culture.

Discussion: The 14 design principles support context sensitive IPE implementation in the workplace. The EDR approach nurtured transformative participation, empowering stakeholders to participate and contribute to design and decision making. This resulted in an evidence informed, interprofessional cocreation process in and with the workplace that was aligned with existing workflow and organizational culture.


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