Context / probleemstelling of aanleiding
Context/probleemstelling of aanleiding:
In evidence-based practice (EBP) physicians combine high-quality, up-to-date scientific evidence together with their clinical expertise to guide their clinical decisions and to improve the quality of patient care. EBP and should be taught starting at the undergraduate level. Successful integration of EBP throughout the curriculum requires faculty support. Our research focusses on the use of EBP in dentistry education in Indonesia. Although there is a growing attention to EBP among dentists in Indonesia, teaching dentistry students the necessary EBP skills seems to be behind like in many other developing countries. Indonesia has thirty-two private and public dental schools spread across its archipelago. The actual opinions of educational leaders regarding teaching EBP and the status of implementation are unknown. In our study we aim to explore the deans’ perception about the importance of teaching EBP and to determine to what extend EBP is already included and implemented in the curriculum.
Beschrijving van de interventie/innovatie:
The research project contains two survey studies and one document analysis. The first survey targets all the deans of all Indonesian dental schools and inquires for their perception regarding the importance of teaching EBP. For this study a validated questionnaire from Gorgon et al (2013) has been modified. The second survey targets the vice-deans and heads of programs about how EBP is being taught and assessed, and which challenges they encounter. Both questionnaires contain open and closed items and are written in the Bahasa Indonesia language. The third study is a qualitative analysis of curriculum and policy documents.
Ervaringen/analyse van de implementatie:
The study and it objectives were presented at a national face-to-face meeting of dental school deans in Surabaya, Indonesia, in September 2022. Currently the first and second survey study are in progress. For the first study regarding the dean’s perceptions we already received 25 responses out of 32 For the second survey about the implementation we already retrieved 12 response out of 32 (37.5%). Additional responses will be included until the due date of 20 October 2022.
Lessons learned (implicaties voor de praktijk):
After data analysis, this study will provide us with insights in the perception of the deans regarding teaching EBP, the actual implementation in the curriculum and the challenges that exist in teaching EBP in Indonesian dental schools. Based on the outcomes interventions to further improve EBP teaching in Indonesia will be developed and initiated.
Referenties (max. 2):
Gorgon, E.J.R., Basco, M.D.S. and Manuel, A.T. (2013) ‘Teaching evidence based practice in physical therapy in a developing country: a national survey of Philippine schools’, BMC Medical Education, 13(1), p. 154.