PME Volume 10, Issue 3

March 2021 - jaargang 10

Het tijdschrift publiceert sinds 2012 één doorlopend deel (volume) en nummer (issue) per jaar. Artikelen worden beschikbaar gesteld zodra ze klaar zijn om onnodige vertragingen bij het openbaar maken van de inhoud te voorkomen.

Artikelen in deze editie

Collaborative writing: Strategies and activities for writing productively together
  • AuteursLorelei Lingard
Development of a 3D printed simulator for closed reduction of distal radius fractures
  • AuteursGeorgia G. ToalMichael A. GisondiNathaniel MillerStefanie S. Sebok-SyerWilliam Dixon
Coping with COVID-19: medical students as strong and responsible stewards of their education
  • AuteursCharles A. KeilinDeena KhameesEve D. LosmanJacquelyn B. KerchevalNetana H. Markovitz
A collective case study of supervision and competence judgments on the inpatient internal medicine ward
  • AuteursAndrea GingerichRose HatalaTristen Gilchrist
Do you hear what you see? Utilizing phonocardiography to enhance proficiency in cardiac auscultation
  • AuteursBjorn WatsjoldGeoff NormanJonathan IlgenMatthew SibbaldSandra MonteiroW. Reid ThompsonZachary D. Goldberger
What we learned in the development of a third-year medical student curricular project
  • AuteursAlexis E. SilverioAllison R. CasolaErin L. KellyMaria Syl D de la CruzRashida S. Smith
Shedding light on autistic traits in struggling learners: A blind spot in medical education
  • AuteursLuce Pélissier-SimardMarie Giroux
A layered analysis of self-explanation and structured reflection to support clinical reasoning in medical students
  • AuteursLara VarpioLinda BergeronMartine ChamberlandSilvia Mamede
The butterfly effect in clinical supervision
  • AuteursJennifer M. KlasenLorelei A. Lingard
Wrestling with (in)authenticity
  • AuteursMario Veen

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