PME Volume 8, Issue 4

July 2019 - jaargang 9

Het tijdschrift publiceert sinds 2012 één doorlopend deel (volume) en nummer (issue) per jaar. Artikelen worden beschikbaar gesteld zodra ze klaar zijn om onnodige vertragingen bij het openbaar maken van de inhoud te voorkomen.

Artikelen in deze editie

Development of a scale to measure intrapersonal factors influencing speaking up in the operating room
  • Auteurs Priyanka Dwivedi, Rodrigo J. Daly Guris, Serkan Toy en Shirley S Duarte
Every picture tells a story: Content analysis of medical school website and prospectus images in the United Kingdom
  • Auteurs Jack Macarthur, Karen Mattick en Mike Eaton
Role modelling in the training of hospital-based medical specialists: a validation study of the Role Model Apperception Tool (RoMAT)
  • Auteurs Bea Spek, Miran Said, Nynke van Dijk, Paul L. P. Brand en Ria H. G. A. Jochemsen-van der Leeuw
Effects of deliberate reflection on diagnostic accuracy, confidence and diagnostic calibration in dermatology
  • Auteurs Alexandre S. Moura, Galileu B. Costa Filho, Henk G. Schmidt, Paulo R. Brandão en Silvia Mamede
Scientific activity by medical students: the relationship between academic publishing during medical school and publication careers after graduation
  • Auteurs Belinda W. C. Ommering, Cathelijn J. F. Waaijer, Friedo W. Dekker, Lambertus J. van der Wurff, NVMO Special Interest Group on Scientific Education en Thed N. van Leeuwen
A qualitative study on harmonization of postgraduate medical education in Europe: negotiating flexibility is key
  • Auteurs Angelique J. Goverde, Fedde Scheele, Jessica E. van der Aa en Pim W. Teunissen
Influence of negative emotions on residents’ learning of scientific information: an experimental study
  • Auteurs Henk G. Schmidt, Maria do P. T. Nunes, Milton A. Martins, Silvia Mamede, Telma Kremer en Walter W. van den Broek
Limited by our limitations
  • Auteurs Nikki L. Bibler Zaidi en Paula T. Ross
Perils, pitfalls and potential for the use of reporting guidelines in experimental research in medical education
  • Auteurs Alice Moult en Peter Yeates

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